

Why Is Health Such a Low Priority?

September 23, 2009—Something only rarely addressed during the acrimonious debate on health care is why we take such poor care of our health

Jun 1, 2011
Bradley Doucet
5 Mins
Whom Should We Thank?

November 22, 2004 -- If one looks upon Thanksgiving as a harvest festival, then it can also be seen as a celebration of producers. But the..

May 31, 2011
2 Mins
Why Do We Tolerate Bullying?

April 10, 2009-- Two years ago, at the age of 17, Eric Mohat committed suicide. On March 27 of this year, his parents filed a federal lawsui

May 31, 2011
Bradley Doucet
6 Mins
Of Courage Undaunted

In the new year of 1803, America consisted of sixteen states. There were no prairie dogs or grizzly bears. No jackrabbits or bighorn sheep..

May 30, 2011
Russell La Valle
6 Mins
The Enlightenment Spirit of Edward Jenner

The scourge of smallpox is ancient—Pharaoh Ramses V is thought to have died of the illness in 1157 B.C. Yet smallpox did not become a major

May 30, 2011
6 Mins
How Valid an Analogy?

Summer 2009 -- Analogies, like fire, are useful servants but dangerous masters. Is the analogy with entrepreneurs a useful guide to the

May 30, 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
3 Mins
After the Apocalypse, Try Reason!

Children often behave in an irresponsible, irrational, emotionally charged manner with very bad results—valuables broken, someone hurt..

May 27, 2011
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
Betting Against the End of the World

Christianity is particularly prone to such nonsense. After all, the Book of Revelation is all about doomsday, though with details from a....

May 18, 2011
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Editor's Desk: A Stern View from the Bow

July/August 2007 -- Okay, I know, that’s a cheap pun. But this July–August 2007 issue marks the start of my third year at the helm of The

May 12, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
7 Mins
Signals from Spaceship 1

October 2004 -- On Oct. 4, 2004, the 47th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, humanity again made spaceflight history. SpaceShipOne, desig

May 10, 2011
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Starbucks' Fat Cup of Trouble

June 2006 -- Starbucks, of all enterprises, is the latest victim of food fascists. It is ironic that the Center for Science in the Public

May 10, 2011
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Heroism and the Transcontinental Railroad

When Ayn Rand created a heroic American dynasty for her novel Atlas Shrugged, she based the family's fortune not on oil, or autos, or

May 9, 2011
Frank Bryan
8 Mins
Over Bin Laden's Dead Body

In Homer’s Iliad Trojan prince Hector is slain in combat by the Greek champion Achilles. But blinded by anger, Achilles desecrates Hector’s

May 9, 2011
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
An Analysis of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara

On May 11, after the trial of Galleon hedge-fund founder Raj Rajaratnam (pictured below) had ended in a conviction on all counts, the U.S. A

May 6, 2011
8 Mins
Is Miss Cleo a Criminal? She's Certainly a Fraud

March 2002 -- Miss Cleo is in big trouble. In her TV commercials, in her Caribbean accent, she offers to tell her callers’ fortunes, to

May 6, 2011
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Myths About Ayn Rand: A Challenge to Journalists

As Atlas Shrugged Part 1 came to theaters on April 15, many wondered: will the movie be true to Ayn Rand’s ideas? Theater-goers were relieve

May 4, 2011
3 Mins
Toward a Secular Moral Landscape

After thousands of years of formal philosophizing and probably a hundred thousand of contemplation around prehistoric camp fires, is there..

Apr 26, 2011
Edward Hudgins
10 Mins
Is Quantum Mechanics Unworthy?

Spring 2011 -- In The Logical Leap, David Harriman draws a fundamental contrast between two historically crucial scientific theories: Newton

Apr 19, 2011
David S. Ross
5 Mins
Review: "The Logical Leap: Induction in Physics"

Induction is the formation of general knowledge from particular evidence. It is induction if you burn your hand once and thereafter always..

Apr 19, 2011
8 Mins
The New Open Objectivism

Philosopher Leonard Peikoff, founder of the Ayn Rand Institute, was intimately involved in the thinking and writing that went into The Logic

Apr 19, 2011
3 mins

We promote open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom.