Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs

Are the People of the Middle East Fit for Freedom?

May 14, 2004 -- Most Americans have reacted to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners with the same shock, outrage, and disgust that Iraqis themselves

Mar 15, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Anti-Globalism and Nihilism

July 25, 2001 -- This week, people will travel inexpensively from all over the globe to Genoa, Italy—to protest the policies that made their

Mar 15, 2010
William Thomas
3 Mins
A McDonald's in Kabul?

McWorld, claims in a Washington Post interview (November 6, 2001) that it is not the United States’ involvement in Saudi Arabia or support o

Mar 15, 2010
Shawn E. Klein
2 Mins
Rachel Ehrenfeld's Law

In February of this year, the Danish newspaper Politiken issued a formal apology for republishing a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed clad....

Mar 1, 2010
Kira Newman
6 Mins
Iran and Obama's Hollow Moral Core

In December 1989, I stopped in Moscow, on my way to Estonia as part of the first group from the West to hold a conference on free markets in

Jun 25, 2009
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
The War Over Libertarian Foreign Policy

The 9/11 attacks and the subsequent war on Islamic jihadism divided virtually every ideological faction in America. On the far left,

Apr 1, 2008
9 Mins
How Chile Was Saved

In 1956, an extraordinary three-year agreement on cooperation was signed by the Department of Economics at the Chicago University and the...

Sep 1, 2003
Jose Pinera
6 Mins
The Law in Wartime

The structure of our federal system can be explained in major part by the final two provisions of our Bill of Rights, the Ninth and Tenth

Jul 1, 2002
Robert A. Levy
7 Mins
The Justice of War

As the United States pursues its war in Afghanistan, the national and the international press have focused attention on the civilian

Dec 1, 2001
Patrick Stephens
10 Mins
Unilateral Moral Disarmament

Awakening on the morning of September 11, 2001, we Americans were proud, happy, and confident. We knew ourselves to be the only Superpower—

Oct 1, 2001
Robert James Bidinotto
9 Mins

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