

Book Review: Exposing the Islamist Lobby

Paul Sperry’s shoe-leather investigative journalism is showcased to its fullest in Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penet

Mar 31, 2011
Ilana Mercer
9 Mins
Elementary Lessons in Property Rights

Americans recently learned that this is more than a mere cliché; it’s a profound philosophical principle that is under fire from the very in

Mar 30, 2011
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
The Supreme Assault on Private Property: An Interview with Scott Bullock

We at IJ are swamped with requests from people to take up their cases, many of which we simply can’t do due to limited resources. However

Mar 30, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
10 Mins
Book Review: The Normality of Freedom

In 2003, the Supreme Court declared that people challenging the constitutionality of an economic regulation must "negative every conceivable

Mar 30, 2011
Victor Sperandeo
10 Mins
Multiculturalism and its Discontents

July/August 2005 -- England's multicultural delusions were literally exploded this past summer when British citizens, children of Islamic...

Mar 30, 2011
Bruce S. Thornton
10 Mins
Medical Marijuana and the Law: Reefer Madness Meets Wickard v. Filburn

June 2005 -- In the medical-marijuana case Gonzales v. Raich, the Supreme Court ruled (on June 6, 2005) six to three that federal laws

Mar 30, 2011
David N. Mayer
8 Mins
The Next Chief Justice

June 2005 issue -- Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s announcement of her retirement from the Supreme Court took by surprise most Court-watchers

Mar 30, 2011
David N. Mayer
10 Mins
The Indictment of the West

We in the West may argue over whether Islamist terrorists hate us for what we do or for what we are. But if we pay attention to what they...

Mar 29, 2011
Bruce S. Thornton
10 Mins
Sovietizing America: How Sustainable Development Crushes the Individual

April/May 2005 -- An unrecognized threat to the liberty and prosperity of each American has spread throughout the country, taking root in

Mar 29, 2011
Michael Shaw and Edward Hudgins
Immigration, Liberty, and the American Character

Immigration has become the most politically and emotionally charged domestic issue in the United States—which is ironic, given that this

Mar 29, 2011
Edward Hudgins
12 Mins
Immigration, Globalization, and the Philosophy That Informs Them

Many Americans consider the issues of immigration and globalization principally from an economic perspective. And that perspective is....

Mar 29, 2011
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
It's a Conspiracy!

Regrettably, these somber remembrances and thoughtful reflections were marred by the loud, incendiary claims of conspiracy theorists.

Mar 29, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
6 Mins
Crisis in the GOP: The Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party

How can I say this? Surely we know the Republican response: “Think of the grim alternative! Congressional committees dominated or chaired by

Mar 28, 2011
Edward Hudgins
15 Mins
Republican Statists: Back to the Future?

Fall 2006 -- As I was completing work today on this issue of the magazine, I received an e-mail announcing publication of Ryan Sager’s new

Mar 25, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
7 Mins
Blinkmanship: Path to a Nuclear Showdown

Evidence and history demonstrate that diplomacy and appeasement have not and will not work to diminish the mounting North Korean nuclear

Mar 25, 2011
Scott Wheeler
5 Mins
Book Review: Toward Heroic Capitalism

In 1859, the first treatise on “best practices” appeared: Self-Help, With Illustrations of Character, Conduct, and Perseverance, by Samuel

Mar 25, 2011
Robert L. Bradley, Jr
5 Mins
Inside "The Excuse-Making Industry" Part 1

On the night of October 1, 1993, twelve-year-old Polly Klaas—a pretty, straight-A student with laughing eyes and sun-streaked hair—was...

Mar 24, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
10 Mins
Ayn Rand's Persecuted Minority

Atlas Shrugged is an extended cry against the oppression of creators, most particularly businessmen: the Atlases who bear this world on thei

Mar 24, 2011
10 Mins
Are We All Libertarians Now?

November 2007 -- Brink Lindsey, The Age of Abundance: How Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture. (New York: Collins, 2007)..

Mar 24, 2011
10 Mins
Book Review: A Critique of Al Gore's Reason

The title of Al Gore’s new book illustrates why he is the perfect spokesman for the smug, soi-disant “reality-based community.” By calling

Mar 24, 2011
8 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.