

The Morality of Money

In reacting to the Enron scandal, many cultural commentators have been quick to recur to a favorite theme: the corrupting power of commerce

Sep 1, 2010
William Thomas
5 Mins
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters -and Multiculturalists

This is a collection of essays and reviews by an American sociologist who for some forty years has been slugging it out in academic journals

Aug 31, 2010
Walter Donway
10 Mins
Honoring Ayn Rand: Rand as Dissident

A few years ago, a colleague whose intelligence I respect invited me to attend a lecture he was going to give. "This will not be one of.....

Aug 20, 2010
Stephen Cox
3 Mins
Honoring Ayn Rand: Contribution to Aristotle's Concept

December 2004 -- Ayn Rand acknowledged Aristotle as the only philosopher to whom she was indebted, the father of logic who defined "the bas

Aug 20, 2010
Michelle Fram-Cohen
2 Mins
Honoring Ayn Rand: An Extraordinary Visionary

December 2004 -- Ayn Rand was no academic, and people sometimes point to that fact to explain the lack of scholarly consideration given

Aug 20, 2010
Tibor R. Machan
4 Mins
The Collapse of a Postmodern Corporation

May 2002-- On December 2, 2001, Enron Corporation filed for bankruptcy. With the company's assets then estimated at $62 billion, it was the

Jul 12, 2010
8 Mins
What The Atlas Society stands for

The Atlas Society promotes open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, individualism, achievement, and freedom originated by Ayn Rand....

Jul 2, 2010
4 mins
How Can One Create a Harmony of Interests Among People?

The Objectivist ethics holds the human good does not require human sacrifices and cannot be achieved by the sacrifices of anyone to anyone.

Jun 29, 2010
William Thomas
5 Mins
The Best Work of the Best Minds

I am sitting on the shore of Lake Ontario. It is late spring, and the sun rose about five minutes ago. The waters, which appeared blue

Jun 29, 2010
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
9 Mins
Transhumanism: How Does it Relate to Objectivism?

Transhumanism (e.g. H+ ) or Extropianism is an ideological coalition centered on the idea that, in the near future, substantial....

Jun 29, 2010
William Thomas
3 Mins
Libertarianism and Objectivism: Compatible?

Libertarianism is the political position that all human relationships should be voluntary, i.e. not subject to the initiation of force by...

Jun 29, 2010
William Thomas
5 Mins
Does Being Your Brother's Keeper Cause You Strife?

Objectivism reads "I am my brother's keeper" as a short-hand for an ideal of self-sacrifice and service to the group. In other words, it...

Jun 29, 2010
William Thomas
5 Mins
What is the Objectivist View of Free Will?

Objectivism holds that man has free will. In every moment, many courses of action are open to us; whichever action we take, we could equally

Jun 29, 2010
6 Mins
The Capitalist Ideal: The Moral Vision of "Atlas Shrugged"

In 1917, Bolsheviks under Lenin seized control of Russia in the famous October revolution, ending a short-lived experiment with .....

Jun 26, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
10 Mins
Choose or Lose: How Regulation Destroys Value

When economic crises hit, politicians of both parties are demanding more regulation of the economy. Failures in banking and finance...

Jun 26, 2010
William Thomas
10 mins
Foundations Study Guide: Epistemology

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that investigates the basic nature of knowledge, including its sources and validation...

Jun 25, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
9 Mins
Foundations Study Guide: Ancient Greek Philosophy

Before philosophy for tens of thousands of years, human beings did not see the world as we see it. Why did the Nile rise and flood the field

Jun 25, 2010
George Brakas
8 Mins
Chapter 5 "Truth and Toleration in Objectivism"

The following is Chapter 5 from the book The Contested Legacy of Ayn Rand: Truth and Toleration in Objectivism, by David Kelley.

Jun 24, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
10 Mins
The Founding of The Atlas Society

Twenty years ago, on February 24, 1990, George Walsh and David Kelley stood before a crowded lecture hall in New York City to announce the

Jun 24, 2010
2 Mins
Better Things to Do

As readers of this Journal know, over the past few months the Institute has been fighting socialized medicine, sponsoring a lecture series..

Jun 24, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
6 Mins

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.