

The Internet in Closed Societies

Apparently the World Wide Web isn't as worldwide as it could be. The Internet—the centerpiece of the "new economy" technology that was

Oct 18, 2010
Patrick Stephens
4 Mins
The Essence of Hayek

Part of the Hoover Institution's "essence" series on great twentieth-century economists, The Essence of Hayek is designed for the student of

Oct 18, 2010
Donald Cooper
2 Mins
Statism Starts with You

Why did federal regulators not intervene sooner? A tragedy could have been averted. That was the first demand made following the accidental

Oct 15, 2010
Ilana Mercer
4 Mins
Faith and Funding: What Is the Root of the Stem Cell Controversy?

September 2001 -- The current debate over federal funding of embryonic stem cell research raises two basic questions: "Is it morally and

Oct 15, 2010
Patrick Stephens & David Kelley
6 Mins
Position Statement on Terrorists Attacks

November 2001 -- The Assault on Civilization , posted October 12, 2001. Published in the November 2001 Navigator . The position of The

Oct 14, 2010
3 Mins
Community and American Individualism

November 2001 -- One of the most popular mantras, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, declares how great it is to see Americans

Oct 14, 2010
Shawn E. Klein
5 Mins
Are Congressional Staffers Engaged in Insider Trading?

Professor Bainbridge explains the current law on insider trading here , and argues that the staffers could be found in violation of insider

Oct 13, 2010
1 Min
The Corruption of Democracy

Political reformers have long dreamed of driving money from the temple of democracy. They argue that campaign contributions from wealthy individuals and interest groups buy influence--government subsidies, relief from burdensome regulations, and special-interest amendments to legislation--in violation of the principle of "one-man, one-vote." Money also pays for abrasive "issue ads" during election season, poisoning the town-meeting atmosphere of rational discussion that democratic idealists dream of.

Oct 12, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
11 mins
Oral Arguments in Connick v. Thompson

The oral arguments in the prosecutorial misconduct case Connick v. Thompson , which I referred to here , apparently went well. Louisiana

Oct 8, 2010
2 Mins
Immigration and Arizona Justice: Liberty vs. Law

The September 11 terrorist attacks awakened a remarkable amount of anti-immigration furor in America, which has persisted for many years....

Oct 6, 2010
Joe Duarte
4 Mins
Victimless Crimes

Objectivism holds that the basis of all law should be individual rights to life, liberty, and property. These rights are commonly called...

Oct 4, 2010
3 Mins
The Conceptual Preconditions of Freedom

When George W. Bush was President Captureand Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, some despairing liberals turned to George...

Oct 2, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
7 Mins

Ayn Rand herself smoked, and many Objectivists still do. Objectivism has no particular position on smoking as such. However, I will comment

Sep 30, 2010
3 Mins
Unemployment and Free Labor Markets

I am sorry that, living in Argentina as you do, you have suffered through a terrible economic collapse. But you were not living in anything

Sep 30, 2010
2 Mins
Social Security

If I understand the Bush administration's proposal from early 2005, it was intended to transition the Social Security system to something

Sep 30, 2010
2 Mins
The Galleon Case Has It All

The Business Rights Watch covers a number of different issues: Overcriminalzation is one, obviously, the process of making illegal that whic

Sep 30, 2010
3 Mins
Property Rights and Native Americans

Every initial property rights claim involves seizure of property, in a sense. As no property rights exist before property rights are founded

Sep 29, 2010
William Thomas
3 Mins
Reparations for Slavery and Social Discrimination

Objectivism is totally opposed to racism. It is an individualist philosophy, and it holds that all people, first and foremost, should be....

Sep 29, 2010
3 Mins
Reparations for Native Americans and Descendants of Slaves

Morally there is a kind of symmetry between the two types of reparations cases: In general, there is no justice in blaming a group for the

Sep 29, 2010
3 Mins
Progressivism and Objectivism

If only Progressivism could be a genus of Objectivism! But, alas, no.The Progressive movement was originally an intellectual and political

Sep 29, 2010
William Thomas
4 Mins

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